What makes an Android App Sucessful?

So, you want to create a successful App but you don't know where to start. Here are some questions that you need to know before getting hands on to a Successful App.

  • What all factors could make your app to be downloaded on Million of devices,
  • Whats an App to be one of the must have .  
  • What makes your App useful?
  • what makes a unique attachment with the engaged customer.
  • what makes your users to not uninstall your app

If you don't have the answers to these questions, this blog might helps you.

Before starting, lets face the actual facts from some of expertise.

  • most apps lose 76 percent of their consumers after the first three months of use--which means that even in the unlikely event your product is chosen from among the daily App Store deluge, any ad revenue streams would dry up quickly.
  • Around 90 percent of app installs are generated by just 10 percent of the apps, meaning that the odds of people discovering your app are stacked heavily against you. Most of the time, he says, it doesn’t matter how good or original the app is, it’s very likely only a few people will discover it and install it, which is why you must have a marketing and distribution plan
  • Apple & Google Play Store places a high value on clean, refined, and user-friendly interfaces. Make sure your UI meets these requirements by planning your design carefully and following our design guides and UI Design Dos and Don’ts.
  • Before creating your app, you should take a look at the apps in your category on the App Store and consider how you can provide an even better user experience.
  • Do you have enough money to spend on your app. As per 2017, in-app purchase revenue is set to be the number one source of mobile app revenue, accounting for 48.2% of earnings compared to 14% from ads-based revenue and 37.8% from paid app downloads.

Let's take a Journey of the Successful app.
1. UX Focused Design.
User experience is something that should take more hours than development. The App must be easy to use and components are placed in such a way that both right handed people and left handed people not experience any issues.
Also, Google and Apple both provide there guidelines for creating designs, one should use all the guidelines while creating the app.

Tip #1:
"Building an app is like building a house," he adds. "You need to put time into thinking about what the rooms are going to look like before you start building." That attention to detail has paid off: The inMarket network has more than 20 million users

2. Different Devices, Same functions
Your app should be device compatible. If you want to create a highly successful app then you should not focused on mobile specific designs, there are millions of app and thousands of devices. There would be many unsupported devices, but your app should be supporting the maximum possible supported devices, Google play would let you know how much devices are supported in its Developer console.
In case of any Bugs related to a specific device, instead of ignoring it one should applies a possible alternative to solve the same, every app uses third party libraries and there are bugs for specific devices, and alternative should be there & if not libraries must be regulary updated.

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Creativity and innovation are without a doubt key elements while developing an app, but consumption dynamics or designing trends for user’s specific needs must be considered too.

3. Special Attachment
There would be many customisation.Try not to deviate from it by providing customizable features focused on your target audience. The features themselves should be developed keeping in mind the interests and demands of the user-segment that you want to reach.

4. Go with the Market Trends 
Market Trends is one of the major reason for your App to be successful for a long time. If your app is useful than it would definitely have a lot of downloads. But a lot of downloads does not guarantees that your app will remain successful, Market trends are keep on changing, Certain UI/UX part needs to be changed with time. Also, Every year Google and Apple introduces new features in their corresponding Developer meets.

5. Regular Updates
Regular updates are necessary for a successful App, Generally it's not possible for a developer or tester to test the App on every compatible devices. With users feedback's and crashes reports, updates are necessary to solve the issues faced by users.

6. Greed Factor
Most of the app gives invitation rewards, as initially there is a good chance for the app to get up in the searches and similar apps, App in rewards are one of the very good factor to compete with the top Apps with similar category. Tez Payments App from Google is the best example for it.

7. Users Feedback's
Users feedback always play in crucial role in App Success. None of the Apps gets the overnight success, the app is a result of hours of development with crafting in a professional manner. There should be a feedback modules available, So that Development community always remain touch with the unhanded exceptions and errors.

8. Database Back Up
Regular back up are required, Servers are not fully reliable. No one wants their precious data to get lost without any issues.

Tip #2:
Certainly, there is no secret formula that guarantees your app success in the market, though there are important tips many developers have pointed out to let others know where they should be heading their efforts. First of all, it is crucial to understand the process of creating an app.


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