
Problems in Execution

Backend : Node js Fronend: ???????

Mup port 80 in use


What makes an Android App Sucessful?

So, you want to create a successful App but you don't know where to start. Here are some questions that you need to know before getting hands on to a Successful App. What all factors could make your app to be downloaded on Million of devices, Whats an App to be one of the must have .   What makes your App useful? what makes a unique attachment with the engaged customer. what makes your users to not uninstall your app If you don't have the answers to these questions, this blog might helps you. Before starting, lets face the actual facts from some of expertise. most apps lose 76 percent of their consumers after the first three months of use--which means that even in the unlikely event your product is chosen from among the daily App Store deluge, any ad revenue streams would dry up quickly. Around 90 percent of app installs are generated by just 10 percent of the apps, meaning that the odds of people discovering your app are stacked heavily against you. Most of

Upload Image in Meteor

Hi, Check this post, if you want to know how to upload image in metoer... JS On Client import { Template } from 'meteor/templating'; import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var'; import Images from '/lib/images.collection.js'; import './main.html'; Template.uploadedFiles.helpers({   uploadedFiles: function () {     return Images.find();   } }); Template.uploadForm.onCreated(function () {   this.currentUpload = new ReactiveVar(false); }); Template.uploadForm.helpers({   currentUpload: function () {     return Template.instance().currentUpload.get();   } });{   'change #fileInput': function (e, template) {     if (e.currentTarget.files && e.currentTarget.files[0]) {       // We upload only one file, in case       // there was multiple files selected       var file = e.currentTarget.files[0];       if (file) {         var uploadInstance = Images.insert({           file: file,

Blaze selected attribute not working - Alternative Solution

In this post, I will guide you through an alternative solution for the issue we all had faced at least once with DROPDOWNS. Being an newbee I would like to show what I did then Problem is concerned with make a particular item selected in dropdown when dropdown shows up, We are using Meteor with Blaze What We Tried Step : Creating Helpers. <select id="last_used_edit">        <option value="" disabled selected>Year</option>  <option value="1"  selected="{{option3Selected 'Option 1'}}"  >Option 1</option>  <option value="2"  selected="{{option3Selected 'Option 2'}}"  >Option 2</option>  <option value="3" selected="{{option3Selected 'Option 3'}}"  >Option 3</option>  <option value="4" selected="{{option3Selected 'Option 4'}}" >Option 34</option>   </select> Step

Capture click event on Checkbox

 'click #check_education_edu_2':function(){     if(document.getElementById("check_education_edu_2").checked){     alert("Checked");     }else{     alert("UnChecked"); q     }

Semantic UI dropdown not working Meteor

< select id= "edit_start_month" > < option value disabled selected > --Select Month-- </ option > < option value= 'Jan' {{ start_date_month_one }} > Jan </ option > < option value= 'Feb' {{ start_date_month_two }} > Feb </ option > < option value= 'Mar' {{ start_date_month_three }} > Mar </ option > < option value= 'Apr' {{ start_date_month_four }} > Apr </ option > < option value= 'May' {{ start_date_month_five }} > May </ option > < option value= 'Jun' {{ start_date_month_six }} > Jun </ option > < option value= 'Jul' {{ start_date_month_seven }} > Jul </ option > < option value= 'Aug' {{ start_date_month_eight }} > Aug </ option > < option value= 'Sep' {{ start_date_month_nine }} > Sep </ option > < option value= 'Oct' {{ start_date_month_ten }}